Section 18. General responsibilities of employers and one-man enterprises

Employers and one-man enterprises shall comply with the plan for safety, health and the working environment and follow the instructions of the client or coordinator.
In their planning and execution of the work, employers and one-man enterprises must take account of the necessary risk assessments and undertake continuous risk assessment of risk areas identified in the client's plan for safety, health and the working environment.
The employer must incorporate relevant parts of the plan for safety, health and the working environment in the undertaking's internal control system, see the Regulation of 6 December 1996 no. 1127 concerning systematic health, environmental and safety activities in enterprises (the Internal Control Regulations). This incorporation must take place in such a way that it is possible to identify the relevant provisions of the plan.
Employers and one-man enterprises must inform the client of any risk factors due to the choices made by the client and the designers that are not covered by specific measures in the plan for safety, health and the working environment.
Employers and one-man enterprises must inform the client concerning any need for deviations from the plan for safety, health and the working environment that may affect safety, health and the working environment.
Employers and one-man enterprises must contribute to the dialogue and coordination under Section 5(1) c).
The employer must ensure implementation of the preventive measures laid down in Section 9.
One-man enterprises must ensure that the requirements under Section 9 applying to one-man enterprises are fulfilled.