Apply for authorisation for manual car care, wheel change and wheel storage

All companies offering services related to manual car care, wheel change and wheel storage must apply to receive authorisation from the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet). It will be illegal to sell such services without authorisation.

Who must apply for authorisation?

From 1st July 2022, all companies offering services related to manual car care, wheel change for cars and wheel storage, must apply for authorisation from the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet). This also applies to staffing enterprises that hire out labour who works with these services.

Only companies that have been granted authorisation can legally provide such services.

Who must apply for authorisation?

Submit application

What must the application include?

Companies with and without employees have different authorisation requirements.

We retrieve information about the number of employees from the Register of Legal Entities (Enhetsregisteret). Ensure that this information is up to date in the public register.

The following applies to companies with employees

The following applies to companies with no employees

If you are a company that does not have employees, you only need to include documentation for a valid discharge permit from the municipality.

How is the application processed, and what responses can you receive?

Order an HSE card when notified

All employees at authorised companies that offer services in manual car care, wheel change, and wheel storage, must hold HSE cards (HMS-kort) at work.

Wait to order HSE cards until you are notified by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).

All applicants will be added to a public register

All companies applying for authorisation will be added to the public register of authorised car washes, tyre changes, and tyre hotels (only in Norwegian).

Confirm the information each year (annual report)