Section 14. Daily and weekly rest periods

An employee shall have at least 11 hours of continuous daily rest in the course of 24 hours. The rest period may be reduced in accordance with the provisions in the Regulations concerning driving and rest time for road transport in the EEA or the AETR Regulations.
An employee shall have a continuous weekly rest of at least 36 hours in the course of seven days, and in such a way that an entire 24-hour period is included in the time off. To the extent possible, the rest period shall be arranged for a Sunday or holiday. An employee who has performed Sunday or holiday work shall have the following Sunday or holiday as rest period.
For an undertaking bound by a collective agreement, the employer and the employees' representatives may agree that the weekly rest period on average shall be 36 hours, but never shorter than 24 hours in any individual week. Such agreement can only be made on the condition that the employees are given compensatory rest, or other suitable protection if this is not possible.
For an undertaking bound by a collective agreement, the employer and the employees' representatives may agree for a period of up to 26 weeks a working time arrangement that gives the employees weekly rest periods on average every other Sunday and holiday, but in such a way that the weekly 24-hour continuous rest period falls on a Sunday or holiday at least every third week.