Section 10. Access to average calculation of normal working time

If agreed in writing, the normal working time may be arranged so that in the course of a period not longer than one year the average is as long as prescribed in section 8, but not over 48 hours in the course of seven days and not over nine hours in the course of 24 hours.
For an undertaking bound by a collective agreement, the employer and the employees' representatives may agree in writing that the normal working time shall be arranged so that in the course of a period not longer than one year the average is as long as prescribed in section 8, but not over 54 hours in the course of seven days and not over ten hours in the course of 24 hours.
On the same terms as in the second paragraph, the working time may be arranged so that in the course of a period not longer than 16 weeks the average is as long as prescribed in section 8, but not over 60 hours in the course of seven days and not over ten hours in the course of 24 hours.
Normal working time for employees who work more than three hours a night shall on average not exceed eight hours in the course of 24 hours.
The period for calculating the average for night work is four weeks.
Working time longer than what is provided for in section 8 may not be used for more than six continuous weeks.