Chapter 3. Election, training etc. of safety representatives and working environment committees

Section 3-1. Division into safety areas Section 3-2. Election of safety representatives Section 3-3. Election of deputy for the safety representative Section 3-4. Term of office for safety representatives Section 3-5. Senior safety representative Section 3-6. Election of deputy for the senior safety representative Section 3-7. Working environment committee Section 3-8. Right to vote in elections of members of the working environment committee Section 3-9. Election of members of the working environment committee Section 3-10. Election of members of the working environment committee in undertakings with several local trade unions Section 3-11. Deputies for members of the working environment committee Section 3-12. Chair of the working environment committee Section 3-13. Matters that concern a group of employees not represented on the working environment committee Section 3-14. Several working environment committees in the same undertaking Section 3-15. Term of office for members of the working environment committee Section 3-16. Rules of procedure for the working environment committee Section 3-17. Duty of secrecy for safety representatives and members of the working environment committee Section 3-18. Training of safety representatives and members of working environment committees Section 3-19. Duration of the training of safety representatives and members of working environment committees Section 3-20. Implementation of training of safety representatives and members of working environment committees Section 3-21. The Labour Inspection Authority's right to instruct employers to provide training for safety representatives and members of working environment committees Section 3-22. Undertakings that have other collaborative bodies Section 3-23. Special groups