Section 15-3. Requirements for personal protective equipment

The employer shall ensure that personal protective equipment that is made available to the employees meets the requirements of the Regulations of 22 June 2018 No. 1019 relating to the construction, design and manufacture of personal protective equipment, and that it is marked accordingly with the CE mark. Section 49 (2) of these regulations, cf. Section 75 second paragraph of the Facilities Regulations, does not apply to offshore petroleum activities.
The employer shall ensure that personal protective equipment that is used in the workplace always provides satisfactory protection. The employer shall ensure in particular that
  • the use of personal protective equipment does not entail an increased risk;
  • that it fits or can be fitted to the employee;
  • that it is adapted to the relevant working conditions;
  • that it does not easily combust or melt where such a risk exists.
If the employer is required to use several types of personal protective equipment at the same time, it must be possible to combine the equipment without reducing the protective effect of the individual equipment units.