Section 12-7A. Exemption from Section 11-2 third paragraph and Section 11-5 third paragraph relating to vocational training in building and construction

The employees' elected representatives may consent to invoking working hour arrangements pursuant to Section 10-5 second paragraph and Section 10-12 fourth paragraph of the Working Environment Act above the limits laid down in Section 11-2 third paragraph and Section 11-5 third paragraph of the Working Environment Act for young persons between the age of 17 and 18 who, as part of their practical training, carry out work under an apprenticeship contract or training contract relating to subjects founded on vg2 Construction.
The Labour Inspection Authority may consent to invoking working hour arrangements pursuant to Section 10-5 third paragraph and Section 10-12 sixth paragraph of the Working Environment Act above the limits laid down in Section 11-2 third paragraph and Section 11-5 third paragraph of the Working Environment Act for young persons between the age of 17 and 18 who, as part of their practical training, carry out work under an apprenticeship contract or training contract relating to subjects founded on vg2 Construction.
The working hours arrangement mentioned in the first and second paragraphs can only be invoked to the extent that it is not in breach of other provisions in Chapter 11 of the Working Environment Act.
Young persons who are put to work as mentioned in the first or second paragraph must have a continuous off-duty period of at least 36 hours per seven days. Overtime work cannot be imposed on young persons.