Section 1-4. Definitions

For the purpose of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
  1. 1.
    workplace: any place, whether indoors, outdoors or underground, where work of a permanent or temporary nature is carried out;
  2. 2.
    work equipment: technical installations etc. such as machinery, lifting equipment, safety components, containers, means of transport, appliances, installations, tools and any other object used in connection with the production of a product or the performance of work;
  3. 3.
    asbestos: the fibrous, crystalline silicate minerals chrysotile (white asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos), anthophyllite asbestos, tremolite asbestos and actinolite asbestos;
  4. 4.
    use of work equipment: work operations such as starting, stopping, installation and dismantling, transportation, use, monitoring, inspection, repair, maintenance, care and cleaning;
  5. 5.
    building and construction activities:
    • the construction of buildings;
    • fitting out, decoration and installation work;
    • installation and removal of prefabricated elements;
    • demolition, dismantling, alteration and restoration;
    • redevelopment and maintenance;
    • general construction activities;
    • excavation, blasting and other earthworks;
    • other work carried out in connection with building or construction work;
  6. 6.
    Electromagnetic field: static electric, static magnetic and time variable electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields with frequencies up to 300 GHz.
  7. 7.
    hand signal: movements or positioning of arms and hands, in a coded form, in order to guide persons carrying out work that can put employees at risk;
  8. 8.
    ionising radiation: radiation from a radioactive substance, X-radiation and particle radiation;
  9. 9.
    chemicals: elements, chemical compounds or mixtures thereof, whether they occur naturally or have been manufactured or are used or released, in connection with any work operation, regardless of whether they were produced intentionally. This applies irrespective of whether the chemical is available on the market;
  10. 10.
    personal protective equipment: all equipment, including accessories to the equipment, which is worn or carried by an employee to protect the employee from one or more hazards that can threaten his or her health and safety during the work. Personal protective equipment does not include:
    • normal work clothes and uniforms that are not specifically designed to protect the employees' health and safety;
    • emergency assistance and rescue equipment;
    • self-defence equipment;
    • portable equipment for tracing and locating hazardous and harmful factors
    • personal protective equipment used in accordance with requirements set out in the Road Traffic Act;
  11. 11.
    risk: a function of the probability of an undesirable incident taking place and the consequences for the employees' life or health;
  12. 12.
    safety signage and signalling: use of signs, colour, light signals, acoustic signals, verbal communication or hand signals to refer to a particular object, activity or situation and that provide information or instructions on how people should act in different situations concerning health and safety in the workplace. The definition does not include signage and signalling regulated by other legislation or by regulations relating to road, rail, air or sea transport or transport by inland waterways.