a. the certification body shall have the necessary personnel available and the aids needed to properly perform administrative and technical tasks in connection with the certification; b. the certification body shall perform the certification with the greatest possible professional integrity and competence. The personnel shall not let themselves be subjected to any form of pressure or inducements, particularly financially, that might influence their assessment or the results of the certification; c. the certification body, its manager and the personnel who are to perform the certification shall not engage in training activities or take part in training; d. the certification body shall have procedures in place for assessing, granting, upholding, extending, suspending and withdrawing certifications; e. the personnel performing the certification shall have a good technical and professional background, sufficient knowledge and experience of use of the work equipment that the safety training covers and the skills required to issue certificates; f. the certification body’s personnel shall be impartial and objective. Their pay shall neither depend on the number of certifications performed nor on the results; g. the certification body shall take out liability insurance; h. the certification body has a duty of secrecy in relation to all information obtained during the performance of its work. This does not apply in relation to the authorities that supervise the regulations.