a. daily noise exposure level, LEX,8h: the equivalent A-weighted level (LpAeq,T) for a nominal eight-hour working day in accordance with the international standard ISO 1999:1990 points 3.5 and 3.6. It includes all noise in the workplace; b. limit value: a value for noise exposure that must not be exceeded; c. group I: working conditions where there are high demands for continuous concentration or a need for conducting unstrained conversations, and in mess rooms and recreation rooms; d. group II: working conditions where it is important to conduct conversations or with persistently high requirements for precision, speed and attention; e. group III: working conditions involving noisy machinery or equipment that are not covered by working groups I or II; f. peak sound pressure level, LpC,peak: the C-weighted peak emission sound pressure level, measured during a measurement period with the instrument set to ‘peak’; g. action value: an exposure value that requires measures to be implemented in order to reduce the health risk and unfortunate exposure to a minimum.