Section 8-2. Implementation of the obligation regarding information and consultation

(1) The obligation regarding information and consultation pursuant to section 8-1 includes:
  1. a.
    information concerning the current and expected development of the undertaking's activities and economic situation,
  2. b.
    information and consultation concerning the current and expected workforce situation in the undertaking, including any cutbacks and the measures considered by the employer in this connection,
  3. c.
    information and consultation concerning decisions that may result in considerable changes in the organisation of work or conditions of employment.
(2) Information pursuant to the first paragraph (a) shall be provided at an appropriate time. Information and consultation pursuant to the first paragraph (b) and (c) shall take place as early as possible.
(3) Information shall be provided in such a way that the elected representatives of the employees can familiarise themselves with the matter, make appropriate investigations, consider the matter and prepare any consultations. The consultations shall be based on information provided by the employer and take place at the level of management and representation appropriate for the matter concerned, in an appropriate manner and with appropriate content. The consultations shall be conducted in such a way that the elected representatives of the employees can meet the employer and receive a reasoned response to any statements they may make. Consultations pursuant to the first paragraph (c) shall aim to reach an agreement.
(4) The provisions of this section may be departed from in connection with collective pay agreements.