Section 5-2. The employer's notification obligation

(1) If an employee dies or is seriously injured as the result of an occupational accident, the employer shall immediately and by the quickest possible means notify the Labour Inspection Authority and the nearest police authority. The employer shall confirm the notification in writing. The safety representative shall receive a copy of the confirmation.
(2) The Ministry may provide in regulations that such notification shall also be given in other cases.
(3) The Ministry may provide in regulations that the employer shall notify the Labour Inspection Authority of:
  1. a.
    occupational accident in respect of which notification is not required pursuant to the first or second paragraph, including acute poisonings, and any near accidents,
  2. b.
    any disease that is, or may be, caused by the work or by conditions at the workplace.
(4) The Ministry may by regulation issue further provisions concerning the extent and implementation of the notification obligation pursuant to this section.