Section 2 A-6. Obligation to prepare procedures for internal whistleblowing

(1) Undertakings that regularly employ at least five employees are obliged to have routines for internal whistleblowing. Undertakings with fewer employees shall also have such routines if the conditions at the undertaking so indicate.
(2) The procedures shall be prepared in connection with the undertaking's systematic health, environment and safety activities (see section 3-1) in cooperation with the employees and their elected representatives.
(3) The procedures shall not limit the employees' right to report issues of concern pursuant to section 2 A-1.
(4) The procedures shall be in writing and at least contain:
  1. a.
    an encouragement to report issues of concern,
  2. b.
    procedure for notification,
  3. c.
    procedure for the employer's receipt, processing, and follow-up of reports of issues of concern.
(5) The procedures shall be easily accessible to all employees at the undertaking.