Section 19-2. Liability of employees

(1) An employee who negligently infringes the provisions or orders contained in or issued pursuant to this Act shall be liable to a fine. Contributory negligence shall be subject to the same penalty.
(2) If the infringement is committed wilfully or through gross negligence, the penalty may be a fine, up to three months imprisonment or both.
(3) In the event of particularly aggravating circumstances imprisonment for up to one year may be imposed. When determining whether such circumstances exist, particular importance shall be attached to whether the offence was contrary to special directives relating to work or safety and whether the employee understood or should have understood that the offence could have seriously endangered the life and health of others.
(4) The provisions of this section do not apply in respect of the provisions of Chapter 10 relating to working hours and of Chapters 14 and 15 relating to protection against dismissal.