Section 19-1. Liability of proprietors of undertakings, employers and persons managing undertakings in the employer's stead

(1) Any proprietor of an undertaking, employer or person managing an undertaking in the employer's stead who wilfully or negligently breaches the provisions or orders contained in or issued pursuant to this Act shall be liable to a fine, imprisonment for up to one year or both. Complicity shall be subject to the same penalties, but employees shall nevertheless be liable to punishment pursuant to section 19-2.
(2) In the event of particularly aggravating circumstances, the penalty may be up to five years imprisonment. When determining whether such circumstances exist, particular importance shall be attached to whether the offence involved or could have involved a serious hazard to life or health, and whether it was committed or allowed to continue despite orders or requests from public authorities, decisions adopted by the working environment committee or requests from safety representatives or occupational health services.
(3) In the event of contraventions that involved or could have involved a serious hazard to life or health, any proprietor of an undertaking, employer, or person managing an undertaking in the employer's stead shall be liable to penalty pursuant to this section, unless the person concerned has acted in a fully satisfactory manner according to his duties under this Act.
(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the provisions of chapters 8, 12, 13, 15 and 16. The provisions shall not apply to the provisions of chapter 14, except for sections 14-5 to 14-8 and 14-15.