Section 14 A-3. Compensation on invoking a non-compete clause

(1) If a non-compete clause is invoked, the employer shall pay the employee compensation equivalent to 100 per cent of the employee's salary up to eight times the National Insurance basic amount, and thereafter a minimum of 70 per cent of the employee's salary in excess of eight times the National Insurance basic amount. The compensation shall be calculated based on salary earned during the twelve months immediately before the date of notice or summary dismissal. The compensation may be limited to twelve times the National Insurance basic amount.
(2) Deductions equal to a maximum of half the compensation may be made in respect of salary or income received or earned by the employee during the period the non-compete clause is in effect.
(3) The employer may require the employee to provide information on salary or income from employment during the period. If the employee fails to comply with this requirement, the employer may withhold compensation until the information is provided.