Section 14-12 b. The obligation to provide information and the right of access to information when hiring workers from temporary- work agencies

(1) When hiring temporary agency workers, the user undertaking must provide the temporary-work agency with the information necessary for compliance with the equal treatment requirement in section 14-12a.
(2) When so requested by a temporary agency worker, the temporary-work agency must provide the worker with the information necessary to assess whether his or her pay and working conditions comply with the equal treatment requirement in section 14-12a.
(3) When so requested by the user undertaking, the temporary-work agency shall provide documentation of the pay and working conditions agreed with a worker hired out to the user undertaking.
(4) When so requested by the employees' elected representatives at the user undertaking, the user undertaking must provide documentation of the pay and working conditions agreed between a temporary agency worker and that person's employer.
(5) The obligation to provide information pursuant to the third and fourth paragraphs applies only to conditions referred to in section 14-12a, first paragraph. Temporary-work agencies, user undertakings and employees' elected representatives who receive information pursuant to this provision have a duty of confidentiality regarding the information. The information may only be used for ensuring or investigating compliance with the equal treatment requirement in section 14-12a or for meeting obligations pursuant to this provision.
(6) The Ministry may in regulations lay down further provisions concerning the right of access to information, the duty to provide information and the duty of confidentiality pursuant to this section, and on the duty of confidentiality for temporary agency workers. The Ministry may in regulations also lay down provisions concerning the use of advisers and their duty of confidentiality.