Section 11. Payment of holiday pay

(1) (General rules)
Holiday pay earned in the employment of an employer the preceding qualifying year is paid on the last normal pay day before the holiday. An employee may nevertheless demand payment of holiday pay at the latest 1 week before the beginning of the holiday.
If holidays are divided, holiday pay shall be divided correspondingly. The amount by which holiday pay exceeds wages for normal working hours in the holiday may nevertheless be paid in connection with the taking of the main holiday or together with wages for June.
(2) (Holiday pay for holiday not taken)
If holiday time has been transferred to a following holiday year, holiday pay in respect of the transferred holiday is only paid when the holiday is taken, cf. the provisions in (1).
(3) (Payment on the termination of employment)
If employment is terminated, all holiday pay entitlements are to be paid on the last normal pay day before the post is vacated. Such holiday pay as cannot be calculated at that time may be paid in connection with the final pay settlement,
A deduction may be made from the payment amounting to 1.4 per cent of the basis for calculating holiday pay earned in the employment of the employer concerned in the shortened qualifying year 1 May to 31 December 1988.
(4) (Payment in the event of industrial disputes)
The absence of an employee in connection with a lawful industrial dispute (strike or lockout) does not entail an obligation to pay pursuant to (3) above.
An employee who has vacated his post in connection with a lawful industrial dispute shall be paid holiday pay in respect of holidays fixed previously or subsequently, in accordance with the provisions in (1).
(5) (Payment on death)
If an employee dies, all holiday pay earned shall be paid to the estate together with the final pay settlement.
A deduction may be made from the payment in accordance with the rules in (3), second paragraph.
(6) (Payment by a jointly and severally liable contractor pursuant to the General Application Act, the Working Environment Act and the Civil Service Act)
In cases where a jointly and severally liable contractor remunerates employees pursuant to section 13 of the General Application Act, holiday pay calculated on the basis of such remuneration shall be paid at the same time. The same shall apply where a jointly and severally liable hirer pays remuneration to a temporary agency worker pursuant to section 14-12c of the Working Environment Act and section 11 (6) of the Civil Service Act.
(7) (Method of payment, deductions from holiday pay, etc.)
The method of payment, the right to make deductions from holiday pay, and the obligation to inform about how holiday pay has been calculated are regulated by section 14-15 of the Working Environment Act.
(8) (National Insurance payments)
Holiday pay paid out by the National Insurance pursuant to section 10 (4), second paragraph, is paid, regardless of the rules above, in the second half of May in the year following the qualifying year, cf. section 22-10, fifth paragraph, of the National Insurance Act.
(9) (Departure)
The rules in (1) to (5) may be departed from in connection with a collective pay agreement.