Section 7. Holiday periods

(1) (Main holiday)
An employee may demand to take his main holiday, comprising 18 working days, during the main holiday period, 1 June-30 September. This does not apply, however, to an employee who takes up his post after 15 August in the holiday year. If a holiday is fixed for the 1 June-30 September period and postponed pursuant to section 9, no claim may be made to take the holiday at a later date in that period. An employee who has taken a period of leave with parental benefit pursuant to sections 14-1 to 14-15 of the National Insurance Act during the entire main holiday period may refuse to take the main holiday before the end of the holiday year.
(2) (Remaining holiday)
An employee may demand to take the remaining holiday (7 working days) together within the holiday year.
(3) (Holidays taken in advance and transfer of days of holiday)
Written agreements may be entered into concerning the taking of holidays in advance of up to 12 working days and the transfer of holidays of up to 12 working days to the following holiday year. Holidays in advance and transfers of holidays beyond that limit may not be agreed.
Holidays which, in contravention of the provisions of this Act or owing to circumstances as referred to in section 9 (1) and (2), have not been taken by the end of the holiday year shall be transferred to the following holiday year. If the employer is responsible for the omission to take holiday, the employee may, in addition to transfer of holiday, claim compensation pursuant to section 14.
(4) (Departure)
The provisions of this section concerning holiday dates within the holiday year may be departed from in a collective agreement or other agreement.