Section 68. Expulsion of foreign nationals holding a permanent residence permit

A foreign national holding a permanent residence permit may be expelled:
  1. a.
    when the foreign national, less than five years previously and abroad, has served or received a penalty for an offence which under Norwegian law is punishable by imprisonment for a term of or exceeding two years. The same applies when a special sanction has been imposed as a result of a criminal offence as mentioned,
  2. b.
    when the foreign national, less than one year previously and in Norway, has served or received a penalty or special sanction for an offence which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of or exceeding two years, or for violation of section 182, first paragraph (rioting), section 231 (narcotic drugs offence), section 237, fourth paragraph (grossly negligent transmission of a communicable disease), section 262, first paragraph (violation of the Marriage Act), section 263 (threats), section 305 (sexually offensive conduct, etc. directed at a child under 16 years of age) or section 374, first alternative (grossly negligent fraud) of the Penal Code, or
  3. c.
    when the foreign national has contravened chapter 18 of the Penal Code or has provided a safe haven for a person the foreign national knows to have committed such an offence.
If a criminal act was committed before the foreign national was granted a permanent residence permit, section 67, first paragraph, (a) and (b), and second paragraph apply correspondingly.