Section 31. Exclusion from the right to recognition as a refugee under section 28

A foreign national is not entitled to recognition as a refugee under section 28, first paragraph, if the foreign national falls within the scope of Article 1D or E of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951, or if there are serious reasons for considering that the foreign national
  1. a.
    has committed a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provisions in respect of such crimes,
  2. b.
    has committed a serious non-political crime outside Norway’s borders, prior to his admission to Norway as a refugee, or
  3. c.
    has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Nor does the right to be recognised as a refugee under section 28, first paragraph, (b), apply if the foreign national has been convicted by final judgment of a particularly serious crime and for this reason constitutes a threat to Norwegian society. If there are grounds for expelling a foreign national based on fundamental national interests under section 126, second paragraph, section 126, fifth paragraph, applies.
Nor does the right to recognition as a refugee under section 28, first paragraph, (b) apply if the foreign national left his or her country of origin solely in order to avoid penal sanctions for one or more criminal acts that might have been punishable by imprisonment if the acts had been committed in Norway.
If a foreign national who falls within the scope of the first paragraph, (a) or (c), or the second paragraph has already been granted a residence permit as a refugee under section 28, the residence permit may be revoked.
Section 74 applies to foreign nationals who fall within the scope of the first to fourth paragraphs but who are nevertheless protected against removal under to section 73, second paragraph.