Section 132. Time limits for instituting proceedings and case preparation

Proceedings concerning the validity of an administrative decision under this chapter, or claims for compensation as a result of the decision, may not be instituted unless the party has made use of his or her right to appeal the validity of the administrative decision and the appeal has been decided on by the highest available appeal body. Section 27 b, second sentence, of the Public Administration Act does not apply.
Administrative decisions made on the grounds of fundamental national interests or foreign policy considerations under the provisions of this chapter must be brought before the district court within one month of the date on which notification of the administrative decision reached the party.
The time limit may be extended in the event of failure to observe the time limit under the second paragraph if
  1. a.
    information is submitted on significant factual circumstances that were unknown or had not arisen at the time the case was decided, and the foreign national brings the case before the court as soon as possible after the information becomes known, or
  2. b.
    a binding decision by an international court or other similar circumstance indicate that the administrative decision may have been based on incorrect application of international law.