Section 117. Registration certificate for foreign nationals with a right of residence under Sections 112 or 113

An EEA national who resides in the realm under sections 112 or 113 for more than three months shall register. The deadline for registration is three months from the date of entry. When the EEA national submits documentation as mentioned in the second and third paragraphs, a registration certificate is issued immediately.
Registration of an EEA national with a right of residence under section 112 may be made conditional upon production of, in addition to a valid identity card or passport:
  1. a.
    confirmation of employment from an employer or evidence that the foreign national is self-employed or confirmation of an agreement to provide services; see section 112, first paragraph, (a) and (b),
  2. b.
    health insurance and documentation that the person in question possesses sufficient funds to provide means of subsistence for himself or herself and any accompanying family members; see section 112, first paragraph, (c),
  3. c.
    confirmation that the person in question is enrolled at an approved educational institution, health insurance and a declaration that the person in question possesses sufficient funds to provide means of subsistence for himself or herself and any accompanying family members; see section 112, first paragraph, (d).
Registration of an EEA national who stays in the realm as a family member with a right of residence under section 113 may be made conditional upon production of, in addition to a valid identity card or passport:
  1. a.
    a document that certifies the family relationship that provides the basis for the right of residence,
  2. b.
    the registration certificate of the EEA national whom the foreign national is accompanying or being reunited with, and
  3. c.
    documentation evidencing dependence in cases where status as a family member is conditional on the foreign national being dependent; see section 110, third paragraph, (c) and (d).
The King may issue regulations containing further provisions, including on which authority conducts registration and issues registration certificates, and on the setting of issue fees. The King may issue further provisions on the duty of job-seeking EEA nationals to register when they find work after the expiry of the deadline in the first paragraph.