Working at heights

Falling accidents in connection with working at height are one of the most common causes of injury and death in Norwegian workplaces. That is why it is important that you, as the employer, take precautions to ensure your employees can perform their work safely.

The employer is responsible for planning and following up at work performed at height. This means the employer must

  • analyse and plan jobs and assess whether certain aspects of the work entail risk and may lead to injury
  • take steps to ensure the workers’ safety and reduce the risk of injury
  • assess whether some of the work can be performed from the ground instead of at height
  • use safety equipment, such as scaffolding, stair turrets, railings and lifts if the work still needs to be performed at height

What is work at height?

Employer’s responsibility

The employer is responsible for making sure the work is well-planned and organised, that a risk assessment has been preformed, and that the work is led and performed by competent and qualified personnel.

Construction client’s responsibility

While the employer is responsible for its employees, the construction client also has a responsibility to plan and facilitate for safe work at height.

Read more about the Construction Client’s duties in the Construction Client Regulations

How to prevent falls

A safe working environment requires that employees and employer work together to find good solutions. The employees’ opinions and suggestions must be heard and carefully considered before the employer makes a final decision.

Statutory requirements

Why do falling accidents happen?

There could be multiple factors leading to an occupational accident, and the cause could be complex.

In many of these accidents, however, some direct and underlying causes are common.

More information

Read more about market control of ladders and scaffolding (Norwegian)