Working in Norway: Your rights and obligations

Welcome to Norway as an employee. It is important for you to know about your rights and obligations related to your employment. Here you will find important and relevant information.

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Watch short videos about your rights when working in Norway

Playlist with all the videos (


You are entitled to a minimum wage when you work in certain sectors in Norway.

Watch a short video about minimum wage on Youtube (

Working hours

As an employee in Norway, you always have the right to know when and how much you will work. Ordinary working hours are also regulated, ensuring that you do not work too much and when you are entitled to overtime remunerations.

Watch a short video about working hours on Youtube (


While working in Norway you are always entitled to a written employment contract. This applies whether you are employed in a permanent or temporary position, and whether you work full-time or part-time.

Watch a short video about employment contracts on Youtube (

Working environment

As an employee in Norway, you are entitled to a proper working environment. There are high demands on safety in the workplace, and much is regulated by law.

Watch a short video about the working environment on Youtube (

Contact the Labour Inspection Authority

Contact the Labour Inspectorate ("Arbeidstilsynet") if you do not receive what you are entitled to, i.e lack of an HSE card or if you experience other critical issues in your workplace.

You can call the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's call service on telephone (+47) 73 19 97 00 or contact the Labor Inspection Authority’s advisers at the Service Center for foreign workers (

Ask us about laws and regulations

Here we can answer your questions about your rights and obligations related to employment in English, RomanianLithuanianRussian and Polish.

We can give you general guidance in our regulations.  We do not have the authority to make decisions in individual cases, but we will help you to use relevant laws and regulations so you can solve your own case. We can also tell you where to apply for help.

If you do not need guidance, but you want to report poor working conditions to Arbeidstilsynet, you can use our reporting tool. This tool is in Norwegian and English only.
