Contract of employment

All employees must have a written contract. This applies to all types of employment, be it temporary or permanent, there are no exceptions. The employer is responsible for preparing and ensuring that there is a written employment contract.

New requirements for employment contracts from 1 July 2024

From 1 July 2024, there are new requirements for employment contracts. These changes are implemented to ensure clearer and more foreseeable working conditions for employees.

A summary of the new requirements from 1 July 2024

We suggest using Arbeidstilsynets's templates for employment contracts. These are in accordance with Arbeidsmiljøloven (the Working Environment Act) up to 1 July 2024:

Templates for employment contract up to 1 July 2024

The templates are available in several different languages.

The guide below is valid until new requirements are implemented from 1 July 2024.

Contents of the contract of employment

The contract of employment shall contain information on matters of major importance for the employment, and shall at least provide information on the following:

  • Name of the employee and the employer (identity of the parties).
  • The workplace. If there is no permanent workplace or main workplace, the contract of employment shall state that the employee works at different locations, and shall state the business address or, if appropriate, the home address of the employer.
  • A description of the work, or the employee’s title, post or category of work.
  • The date of commencement of the employment.
  • The expected duration if the employment is temporary, and the basis for the temporary employment.
  • Any provisions relating to a trial period of employment.
  • The employee’s entitlement to holiday and holiday pay, and the rules for fixing of dates for holidays.
  • The employee’s and the employer’s terms of notice.
  • The pay rate that applies or has been agreed on commencement of the employment, any supplements and other emoluments that are not part of the salary, e.g. pension contributions and allowances for meals or accommodation, the method of payment and payment intervals for salary payments.
  • Duration and disposition of the agreed daily and weekly working hours.
  • Length of breaks.
  • Agreement concerning a special working-hour arrangement pursuant to the provisions concerning reduced working hours, flexible working hours, etc.
  • Information concerning any collective agreements that regulate the employment. If an agreement has been concluded by parties outside the undertaking, the contract of employment shall state the identities of the parties to the collective pay agreements.


  • You can avoid many conflicts if you have a clear contract of employment as early as possible.
  • It is the employer who is responsible for preparing a written contract of employment.

Supplementary information

Arbeidstilsynet (the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority) has prepared a standard contract of employment that covers the statutory requirements. This is available in several languages.

Links to standard contracts of employment in different languages

What can Arbeidstilsynet assist with?

Please note that Arbeidstilsynet can guide you on the requirements in the legislation, but cannot take a specific position on the legality of a specific written employment contract.

Arbeidstilsynet may also require an employer to draw up a contract of employment that meets the legal requirements.

New requirements for employment contracts from 1 July 2024

From 1 July new content requirements for employment contracts take effect.

These changes are implemented ensure clearer and more foreseeable working conditions for employees. These are in addition to the requirements already listed in Section 14-6 of arbeidsmiljøloven (the Working Environment Act).

New requirements for when an employment contract must be provided

For employments lasting more than one month, the new requirement stipulates that the contract must be provided as soon as possible after entering the place of work.

Whereas before, it had to be provided within one month of the first working day. The amendment now requires the contract to be signed no more than one week after the first working day.

The amendments do not require employers to update existing employment contracts, if they are signed before 1 July 2024.

However, at the employee’s request, the employer must amend and supplement the existing contract in accordance with the new amendments. If relevant, the employer must amend the contract within two months of the request being submitted.

New requirements for employment contract content

If the employee has no fixed or main place of work, the contract must specify that the employee is employed at various places or is free to determine their place of work.

If the employment contract specifies a probationary period, the period shall not exceed six months. This requirement still applies.

From 1 July there is an additional requirement that states that a probationary period in temporary employments cannot exceed more than half of the employment period.

The employment contract must specify the types of leave for which payment is provided.

The employment contract must specify how an employer or an employee should proceed to end the employment relationship. This requirement can be met by referring to Acts, Regulations and/or collective agreements regulating these matters.

The employment contract must include information about salary, any bonuses/supplemets and/or other remuneration. As well as information about method of payment and payment intervals of the remunerationof the remuneration.

From 1 July, the contract must also separately specify each of the components that makes up the remuneration/supplement.

If the daily or weekly working hours vary, the employment must specify this. The contract should also include information that makes it possible for the employee to estimate when they will be working.

The employment contract must specify arrangements for shift changes and any work beyond the agreed working hours or work schedule. The employment contract must also specify remuneration and/or supplements for such work.

If the employer is an employment agency and the employee is a temporary worker through the agency, the identity of the user's undertaking must be specified in the employment contract. This could be specified in an appendix or supplement to the contract as soon as the identity of the user's undertaking becomes known.

The identity of the user's undertaking must be specified both at the beginning of the employment relationship and when or if the user's undertaking changes over the course of the employment.

The employment contract must specify any training entitlements provided by the employer.

The contract need only specify the scope of the training, general training and the skills enhancement policy. It is not necessary to include detailed information or list all the training options, nor is it necessary to list the basic training provided in every employment relationship.

The employment contract must specify any benefits provided, partially or entirely, by the employer. The employment contract must also specify the identity of the social security institutions receiving social security contributions from the employer. Examples include pension schemes, insurance policies and sick pay.

The employer need not include all details and terms, but can instead refer to Acts, Regulations and/or collective agreements regulating these matters.

Amendments aim to provide secure working conditions

These amendments to Arbeidsmiljøloven (the Working Environment Act) implement the European Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions into the Norwegian law. The amendments aim to strengthen workers’ rights by promoting more transparent and foreseeable employment.

Find out more about the amendments in the Act: Lov om endringer i arbeidsmiljøloven og statsansatteloven (tydelige og mer forutsigbare arbeidsvilkår) (, in Norwegian only)