About us

Arbeidstilsynet (The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority) is a governmental agency under Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet (the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion), focused on occupational safety and health.

Laws and Regulations

Laws and regulations are the foundation of all Arbeidstilsynet's activities. We have administrative, supervisory and information responsibilities in connection with the following acts:

Arbeidsmiljøloven (the Working Environment Act)

Arbeidsmiljøloven applies to all land-based operations with employees.

The employer is responsible for complying with the requirements of the act, and for ensuring that the enterprise maintains a healthy and safe working environment. These responsibilities are explained and reinforced by the regulations relating to internal control.

Consequences of violating Arbeidsmiljøloven

In dealing with enterprises that do not comply with the requirements of Arbeidsmiljøloven, Arbeidstilsynet may respond with:

  • Orders: When statues and regulations are violated, the authority may give the enterprise an order to correct the situation within a given time limit. This is done in writing, and the recipent has the opportunity to lodge an appeal.
  • Coercive fines: If the order is not complied with, coercive fines may be imposed. The size of the fine is dependent upon several factors, but the main rule is that it shall be unprofitable to violate Arbeidsmiljøloven.
  • Shutdown of operations: An enterprise may be shut down with immediate effect if the life and health of it's employees are in imminent danger. Shutdowns may also be imposed when enterprises fail to comply with orders given.
  • Police: Arbeidstilsynet may report enterprises to the police for serious breaches of the act. A serious violation can result in fines, or, in the worst case, imprisonment.

Systematic Health, Environmental and Safety Activities in Enterprises - Internal Control Regulations

These regulations require enterprises to have written objectives in relation to health, environment and safety activities. Roles and responsibilities regarding health and safety issues must be clarified. Risk analysis and assessment must be carried out, and plans of action made and carried out according to assessments.

The person responsible for the enterprise must ensure that internal control is introduced and performed in the enterprise and that this is done in collaboration with the employees and their representatives.

Overall Objective and Strategies

The agency's overall objective is a healthy working environment for all, safe and secure employment conditions and meaningful work for the individual.

Arbeidstilsynet encourages enterprises to work systematically towards compliance with the working environment laws and regulations.


Arbeidstilsynet oversees that enterprises comply with the requirements of Arbeidsmiljøloven. Supervision will mainly be aimed at enterprises with the poorest working conditions, where there is little willingness to correct problems and where the agency's efforts will have the greatest effect. This is done by:

  • Internal control audits
    Reviews of enterprises' internal control systems to reveal whether regulations and procedures are being followed. An audit can take place over several days.
  • Verifications/inspections
    Intermittent tests are used to check whether internal control systems function well and that companies meet legal requirements.
  • Investigating accidents
    All serious and life threatening accidents are investigated by Arbeidstilsynet.